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Product details
File Size: 9495 KB
Print Length: 818 pages
Publisher: PublicAffairs (September 6, 2011)
Publication Date: September 6, 2011
Sold by: Hachette Book Group
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#221,340 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This book, for what it is, is invaluable. Having read it, I now know All the Facts About Africa (at least through 2011). Before, I knew that Charles Taylor was a bad guy, maybe having something to do with Liberia, and that Tutsis were massacred for some reason, but I was not able to piece together a narrative of how or why it happened. Now, I feel like I have a handle on what's going on in Africa and, importantly, can assimilate future news about the continent. This is like a textbook for an introductory course on African history (and if professors aren't using it, they should.) If I wanted to learn more about Senegalese history, or Ugandan history, it would be a great foundation.It's honestly churlish to complain about a 750-page book that covers 55 years of an entire continent -- but I will anyway. My main complaint relates to its textbookishness: Meredith offers scarcely any analysis. Why is Africa like that? Is there anything the rest of the world could have done to keep it from being such a disaster? (Would even more foreign aid have helped, or would it just have gone into somebody's pocket? Would more peacekeeping missions have worked or would they have just gotten sucked into the whirlwind of tribal politics?) What should the colonial powers have done pre-WW2? (Other than not colonize Africa duh) What should they have done post-war to prepare their colonies for independence? Was there a better way than the one they chose, or were Harold Macmillan and Charles deGaulle making the best of a bad situation?Most frustrating of all is Botswana. The history of Botswana is scarcely mentioned at all (that's not a problem in and of itself. There are a Lot of countries in Africa. The word Mauretania appears only three times in the whole book.) But occasionally Meredith will jump in to mention that almost every country in Africa had trouble with dictators, corruption, economic collapse and civil war, *except Botswana*. What did they do right? Did they have a singularly principled leader? Was it something to do with their ethnic makeup or the basis of their economy? Was it just sheer luck? Comparing Botswana with the rest of Africa would have been illuminating - but instead it's just a tease.Oh well. This is a very good book.
Martin Meredith's history of Africa since independence provides a critical service to the general reader -- telling clearly and comprehensively what has happened in Africa since 1960. In so doing, he covers an vast amount of material. There are at present over 50 African states, and they vary enormously, in terms of culture, resources, history, and on and on. Meredith discusses all of the major and most of the minor countries individually, moving forward through time in what is a triumph of organization. If I want in future to review the recent history of one or another African country -- or of some cross-border phenomena -- I shall know where to turn.It is probably too much to expect an explanation at the end of this chronicle. Mr. Meredith's history presents a harrowing account of war after war, dictator after dictator, famine after famine, and mass murder after mass murder. They differ from country to country, of course, but the pattern of kleptocracy combined with monomania emerges again and again. At the end, one has to wonder why, and Mr. Meredith does not really present many answers. It may not be possible to do so, but I wish he had tried.Upon finishing this book, I went back to Amazon to see if there is another on the same topic -- is Africa's history since independence really so totally hopeless? I didn't find anything of anything like Mr. Meredith's level of seriousness that presented a less pessimistic view, at least not based on writeups and reviews. For now, I remain stunned, and curious.
Mr. Meredith does a remarkably good job of covering more than 50 years of history for an entire continent in very a readable, if sobering, book. It’s not a work of political science. He’s not interested in assessing big-picture explanations for Africa’s problems, such class struggle, or neocolonialism, or economics, or ethnic divisions, or anything else. But he’s able to recount the actual stories of African independence. He doesn’t gloss over the diversity of experience in Africa, and details the different histories of different countries, while also covering the challenges that have faced whole regions or the whole continent. About a good a job as I could imagine anyone doing with this subject matter.
Martin Meredith's "The Fate of Africa" is an extensively researched 700 page tome that takes the reader throughout the African continent in the fifty years since independence from the Europeans who colonized them.There are many commonalities among the many countries covered throughout the book such as: hastily drawn and arbitrary European colonial borders, lack of preparation for post-colonial governance, a group of nationalistic leaders who morphed into autocratic leaders more concerned with power and enriching themselves and a narrow band of cronies at the expense of the state and the people.In this way, Africa shares a common fate.Readers should not be scared off by the sheer size of the book as Meredith has a writing style that flows easily. The pages just seem to fly by once one dares to dive in. Readers end up engrossed in narratives of the great hope of independence following colonization, and the disillusionment that often followed with: personality cults, weak economies, war, autocratic states with weak institutions etc. While rulers got rich, the average African was left to a most dismal fate: struggling to survive.Weighty, but worth the time, if one wants to begin to understand Africa.
Well researched, well written, and well worth reading. The author has done an outstanding job of completely bringing you up to date on the sorry state of most of the countries that make up Africa. And the picture he paints, while fair, is less than a pretty one.
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